The price of a gallon of gas has gone up about 35 cents in the last few weeks. I for one am not eager to return to the days of $4 gas and $60 fill-ups. The present administration, like the last one, has so far done nothing to head off this crisis for American families.
It’s not in the president’s political genetics to do so, since he wants us all to conserve. But he also would like to be re-elected, and candidacies have crashed and burned over far less than this. Jane Byrne, for example, lost the mayorship in Chicago because she could not clear the streets of snow.
Mr. Obama no doubt knows this history. Let’s hope he takes a few minutes off from his grand schemes to run the American economy to do something for the financially stressed American people.
His continuance in office may depend on it.
About Stan Guthrie
Stan Guthrie is an editor at large for Christianity Today magazine and for the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview. His latest book is God's Story in 66 Verses. He also is author of All that Jesus Asks: How His Questions Can Teach and Transform Us, Missions in the Third Millennium: 21 Key Trends for the 21st Century, and A Concise Guide to Bible Prophecy. He is co-author of The Sacrament of Evangelism. Besides authoring, writing, and editing books, Stan is a literary agent, bringing together good authors, good books, and good publishers.
Stan writes the monthly Priorities colum for He has appeared on National Public Radio's Tell Me More, WGN's Milt Rosenberg program, and many Christian shows, including The Eric Metaxas Show and Moody Radio's New Day Florida. A licensed minister and an inspirational speaker, he served as moderator for the Christian Book Expo panel discussion, Does the God of Christianity Exist, and What Difference Does It Make?