All good stories come to an end, eventually. After over eight years as everything from associate news editor to managing editor, special projects; from columnist to podcaster; from workshop organizer to mentor, I have been laid off at Christianity Today International—along with 30 other good employees.
Despite the pain involved in this turn of events, I appreciate the opportunity Christianity Today gave me to develop my gifts and to have a sigificant platform to influence people for the kingdom. I served alongside some of the finest, and most thoughtful, people I have ever known. I will still be associated with CT as an editor at large.
The news came on Tuesday, May 19, and my last day at CT was Friday. A press release explaining this decision is below.
I am carefully considering my career options and would like to talk with you in the near future if you have ideas, contacts, jobs (including freelance) that I might consider. (My wife is also now looking for work.) As you know, I’m a proven writer, book author, editor, and public speaker with wide knowledge of global trends and the evangelical world. If you would like a copy of my CV, just let me know. (The one on this site is outdated and for the moment cannot be updated.)
For now, though, I want to give you my current e-mail addresses:
Thank you in advance for your prayers and help. I’m looking forward to what God has written for the next chapter of my life. Like you, I can hardly wait to turn the page.
Stan Guthrie
CTI Shuts Down 4 Titles, Lays Off 30-Plus Staff
New publishing realities force not-for-profit to focus ever more fully on its core.
CAROL STREAM Ill., May 22 /Christian Newswire/ — Christianity Today International (CTI) today announced the closing of four publications and the laying-off of 30 employees. To be shut down over the coming months are Today’s Christian Woman magazine, the Campus Life College Guide, the Christian history bulletin insert Glimpses, and the Church Office Today bimonthly newsletter.
“Needless to say, we are profoundly saddened by these necessary decisions,” said Harold Smith, President and Publisher. “The impact on employees who are truly gifted–and the impact on the church as a whole–is a sobering reality for me and the entire CTI team that remains.”
These latest cutbacks follow similar moves made in January, when a total of three periodicals–Ignite Your Faith (formerly Campus Life), Marriage Partnership, and Today’s Christian magazines either ceased publication or, in the case of TC, was sold.
“We find ourselves–as does our industry–in the midst of a perfect publishing storm,” says Smith. “Nevertheless, we’re grateful to God for the continuing strength of our core periodicals–namely, Christianity Today and Leadership journal. These iconic brands,” continued Smith, “along with the myriad web properties tied to them, will once again point the way for this ministry in the days, months, and years to come.”
Christianity Today magazine and ministry were founded in 1956 by evangelist Billy Graham.
“Dr Graham envisioned,” said Smith, “a ministry that could engage, encourage, and equip pastors, church leaders, thought leaders, academicians, and culture makers through the creation of quality content that is journalistically excellent. Accurately reported, creatively presented, fair minded, intellectually sound, theologically orthodox, irenic, clear, accessible.
“Today,” Smith continued, “that call remains the missional bedrock of this ministry. And we will, under God’s continuing direction, build upon this solid foundation for the strengthening of Christ’s church and to the glory of God alone.”
Christianity Today International publishes 9 print magazines and newsletters and operates an award- winning website reaching more than 2.5-million unique visitors monthly.