Christianity Today Bible studies are available for download at This one, “The Gospel Defined,” is based on an article by Ghanaian seminary professor J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu.
Christianity Today has graciously allowed me to post the studies I have written to this site, usually one or two a month. If you would like to use them for anything other than your own spiritual growth, I ask you to download them at the CT Bible study site mentioned above.
The exuberant worship and prosperity theology of the New Pentecostal Churches have attracted Africa’s urban, upwardly mobile youth. According to Ghanaian seminary professor J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, in the NPCs, “health, success, and ever-soaring profits in business are coveted, cherished, and publicly flaunted as signs of God’s favor. In this new type of Christianity, success and wealth are the only genuine marks of faith.” This prosperity gospel resonates with a traditional African religious outlook that seeks to acquire spiritual power for personal gain, although it has left the poor and disenfranchised behind.
Here is a link to the study for your personal, individual use. Your feedback is always welcome.
HT: Mary DeMuth for allowing me to use this link.