By Rob Schwarzwalder
Christianity is a propositional faith grounded in the claim that the historic person Jesus of Nazareth was also God incarnate. Its influence on America’s founding was pronounced and its benefits to the world — social, economic, political — have been and remain immense.
Rob sent me the following clarification:
“Please note the following: I appreciate what The Daily Caller is doing – running two op-eds in which one author argues that Christianity is a myth with no relevance to American public life and the other (mine) in which the opposite claims are made. Yet it concerns me deeply that anyone would think I do not believe one can hold more liberal political views and also be a committed follower of Jesus. As all of you who know me at all well understand, this is in no way the case.
“To follow Jesus leads, in my view, to certain unavoidable conclusions about life, marriage, religious liberty, human nature and other key issues. However, it would be painful to me if anyone thought I believe that one cannot be a political liberal and concurrently be a Christian: I’ll argue that you’re drawing wrong conclusions, but would never automatically assume you have never met the Savior.”