President Obama’s decision to unilaterally remove the American missile shield from the soil of our Eastern European allies can only be seen as penny-wise and pound-foolish. He might have a few more billion dollars now to throw at cars-for-clunkers, bank bailouts, the takeover of the U.S. healthcare system, and other pet projects, but a president’s first priority has to be national defense. Especially with Iran and North Korea hell-bent on acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
With spiraling debt and a lessening of our commitmment to our own security, I fear we are seeing the end of the U.S. as a superpower, right before our very eyes–and the beginning of a far more dangerous world. Just who does Obama think will fill the power vacuum he has created? Perhaps we should call him President Hoover.
About Stan Guthrie
Stan Guthrie is an editor at large for Christianity Today magazine and for the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview. His latest book is God's Story in 66 Verses. He also is author of All that Jesus Asks: How His Questions Can Teach and Transform Us, Missions in the Third Millennium: 21 Key Trends for the 21st Century, and A Concise Guide to Bible Prophecy. He is co-author of The Sacrament of Evangelism. Besides authoring, writing, and editing books, Stan is a literary agent, bringing together good authors, good books, and good publishers.
Stan writes the monthly Priorities colum for He has appeared on National Public Radio's Tell Me More, WGN's Milt Rosenberg program, and many Christian shows, including The Eric Metaxas Show and Moody Radio's New Day Florida. A licensed minister and an inspirational speaker, he served as moderator for the Christian Book Expo panel discussion, Does the God of Christianity Exist, and What Difference Does It Make?