By Jeff Jacoby
For more than 30 years, the apocalyptic radicals who rule Iran have proclaimed an intense hatred of the United States and Israel, and hungered for “a world without Zionism or America.’’ They have engaged in violent adventurism without scruple – abductions, assassinations, terrorism, accompanied by genocidal rhetoric of Hitlerian bluntness (“There is only one solution to the Middle East problem, namely the annihilation and destruction of the Jewish state,’’ said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei). They facilitated the murder of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of US troops in Iraq. And even as the US role in Iraq winds down, the menace represented by Iran grows. Last week, Reuters quoted the warning of a “senior US military official’’ that Iran, not Al Qaeda, is now the biggest threat to America and American interests in the Middle East.
All this Iran has managed without nuclear weapons. How much more damage will it be capable of once it has nuclear warheads atop its ballistic missiles?
Excuse me, but we need to be discussing more of this kind of thing, and less of what Herman Cain may or may not have done as head of the National Restaurant Association. Would someone please wake up the media?