My latest:
Victorious: Corrie ten Boom and The Hiding Place
No book, and certainly not The Hiding Place, emerges ex nihilo, like Venus from the sea. Though the gospel it shares and the Savior it exalts are timeless, Corrie ten Boom’s 1971 classic could not have sold millions of copies and helped shape the faith of a generation by itself. A number of specific people, events, and issues came together providentially to provide a bracing wind for this unforgettable volume’s literary sails. Nearly half a century on, The Hiding Place still thrills and challenges us with its portrait of an imperfect servant of Jesus the Victor determined to defy evil, defend the weak, and endure hardship.
The Seven Signs of Jesus: God’s Proof for the Open-Minded
The Seven Signs of Jesus: God’s Proof for the Open-Minded focuses on the Savior through the lens of the famous seven signs presented in the Gospel of John, which are specifically given so that readers will “believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
However, the signs do much more than offer evangelistic proof—as if they were simply parts of a mathematical equation or elements of a formula in physics. They reveal Jesus as the One who offers to be with us through all of life: during our celebrations, on our sickbeds, in our disabilities, amid our feasting, in our dangers, alongside us in our spiritual searching, and when we face our deaths. In all these things, they point the way to a vibrant, life-changing faith.
God’s Story in 66 Verses: Understand the Entire Bible by Focusing on Just One Verse in Each Book
The Bible can seem like a big, intimidating book—mysterious, tedious, and often hard to understand. Written over a span of fifteen hundred years, two millennia ago, God’s Word sometimes feels like a mishmash of stories and literary styles. What can be done to make it more accessible to twenty-first-century readers?
Stan Guthrie’s answer: begin by zooming in on one key verse for each of the Bible’s sixty-six books. Seeking to bring clarity and simplicity to the study of God’s Word, Guthrie has written a concise, easy-to-digest collection of wisdom anchored in one verse for each book, from Genesis to Revelation—a verse that summarizes or lays the foundation for that book, placing it in context with the rest of the Scriptures.
A Concise Guide to Bible Prophecy: 60 Predictions Everyone Should Know
This fascinating, faith-building book avoids the excesses of much contemporary Bible prophecy interpretation while offering solid spiritual nourishment, no matter when the end comes. A Concise Guide to Bible Prophecy details 60 key predictions, from Genesis to Revelation, that give us insights about ourselves, God, and the future. This book also provides tools that will help us navigate the Bible’s prophecies so we can avoid spiritual disaster and understand God’s Word better for our daily lives.
“Stan Guthrie is a cogent thinker and graceful writer I love to read. While A Concise Guide to Bible Prophecy happens to cover an area of personal interest for me, Stan can draw me into any subject simply by the way he examines and explains it.”
Jerry B. Jenkins
Novelist & Biographer
Owner, Christian Writers Guild
All That Jesus Asks: How His Questions Can Teach and Transform Us
More books have been written about Jesus than any other historical figure. Many of these books ask and answer questions about Jesus. All That Jesus Asks allows him to do the asking and shows why getting the right answers will change your life.
Covering nearly 300 questions recorded in the New Testament under twenty-six separate themes, All That Jesus Asks uncovers who Jesus is by examining what was important to him and what he wants us to believe. This unique and comprehensive look at the greatest figure in history will encourage and challenge readers.
“Stan Guthrie is one of the most incisive writers I read.”―Jerry B. Jenkins, novelist; owner, Christian Writers Guild
“All That Jesus Asks will touch your head and your heart. I highly recommend it.”―Dinesh D’Souza, author, What’s So Great about Christianity
“Stan leads us into a deeper look at Christ’s humanity, authority, and mission. In All That Jesus Asks, you will discover the rugged truth about Christ and what that truth asks of you.”―Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
“Guthrie’s book is a landmark. I urge you to buy it and read it again and again.”―J. I. Packer, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College
“You will find Jesus’s questions to be both spiritually inspiring and unsettling.”―Chuck Colson, founder, Prison Fellowship and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview
The Sacrament of Evangelism, with Jerry Root
Much of the church in America has lost its evangelistic zeal and forgotten how to re-ignite it; this book is an attempt to light the fuse of the powder keg so that the church, long-distracted by so many things, might return to its primary mission in the world.
We do not take Christ to anyone; He is already there. We go to make explicit what we see Him doing implicitly. It is not a question of whether God is at work in His world . . . Our hope is to see more of God’s people at work with Him! Learn about why we share our faith, Christ’s role in our evangelism, the deep longings in all our hearts, and how to effectively live a sacramentally evangelistic lifestyle.
We are offering a way of looking at life and the world that is open to God’s presence everywhere. This approach is called sacramental. And where better to experience God’s presence than in His workplace? This is the Sacrament of Evangelism.
Missions in the Third Millennium: 21 Key Trends for the 21st Century
This volume, now in its second edition, is a standard text in missions courses but is geared to laity.
Foreword by Jonathan J. Bonk
Christianity is the world’s most global faith. And yet, at the dawn of the third millennium, the church’s primary task, to make disciples of all nations, remains undone. This book charts 21 trends–positive and negative–that affect our ability to complete the Great Commission.
This edition contains extensive notes, expanded suggestions for further reading, and discussion questions.
“Necessary reading.”
Scott Moreau, Wheaton College and Evangelical Missions Quarterly
“Delightful, readable.”
Ralph Winter, U.S. Center for World Mission
“Essential reading.”
Patrick Johnstone, Operation World
“Fast-moving overview reads like a newspaper and hits like a bullet train.”
Steve Hoke, Church Resource Ministries
“A great service.”
David Neff, Christianity Today