I am available to write articles, editorials, columns, op-eds (in my own name or another), scripts, books (in my own name or yours), and other materials by agreement.
Corrie ten Boom and The Hiding Place
Also available from Christianbook.com!
God’s Story in 66 Verses: Understand the Entire Bible by Focusing on Just One Verse in Each Book (Nashville: Nelson Books, January 2015).
A Concise Guide to Bible Prophecy: 60 Predictions Everyone Should Know (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, July 2013).
All That Jesus Asks: How His Questions Can Teach and Transform Us (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, November 2010).
Missions in the Third Millennium: 21 Key Trends for the 21st Century
(Carlisle, England: Paternoster Publishing, 2000, 2005). Has sold 10,000 copies in two editions. Translated into Portuguese. Standard missions text in colleges across the country.
The Seven Signs of Jesus: God’s Proof for the Open-Minded (CreateSpace, March 2017).
The Sacrament of Evangelism, with co-author Jerry Root (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2011).
The Grand Design: Rediscovering Male and Female as the Image of God.
A Call for Balladeers: Pursuing Art and Beauty for the Discipling of Nations.
Hope and Holiness: How the Gospel Enables and Empowers Sexual Purity (Moody Publishers).
Sharing Jesus with Muslims: A Step-by-Step Guide, by Fouad Masri (Zondervan).
Seeing Jesus from the East: A Fresh Look at History’s Most Influential Figure, by Ravi Zacharias and Abdu Murray (Zondervan).
A Toxic New Religion: Understanding the Postmodern, Neo-Marxist Faith that Seeks to Destroy the Judeo-Christian Culture of the West, by Scott Allen and Darrow Miller (Disciple Nations Alliance).
As It Is in Heaven: How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters, by Greg Laurie (NavPress, 2014).
The Myth of the Perfect Parent, by Leslie Leyland Fields and Stan Guthrie (Christianity Today International, 2012).
The Problem with the Prosperity Gospel, by J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu and Stan Guthrie (Christianity Today International, 2012).
The Gospel Defined, by Mark Galli and Stan Guthrie (Christianity Today International, 2012).
The Uniqueness of Jesus, by Stan Guthrie and John R. Franke (Christianity Today International, 2012).
Girls Uncovered: New Research on What America’s Sexual Culture Does to Young Women, with authors Joe McIlhaney and Freda M. Bush (Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 2012).
Experience God as Your Provider, with author Brian Kluth (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2010).
Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women in Building Healthy Cultures, with author Darrow Miller (Carlisle, England: Paternoster Publishing, 2008).
Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth to Transform Cultures, with author Darrow Miller (Seattle, Wash.: Youth With A Mission Publishing, 1998). Translated into a dozen languages.
The Origins Debate: Evangelical Perspectives on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design, by the editors of Christianity Today (Christianity Today International, 2012).
Goodbye, Billie Jean: The Meaning of Michael Jackson (Lorette C. Luzajic, 2009).
Islam (Christianity Today Study Series; Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008).
The Making of a Mentor: Nine Essential Characteristics of Influential Christian Leaders (World Vision, 2005).
Echoes from Calvary: Meditations from Franz Joseph Haydn’s The Seven Last Words of Christ (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2004).
Peoples on the Move: Introducing the Nomads of the World (Carlisle, England: Piquant, 2001).
Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2000).
Why Am I on This Earth? (Winnipeg, Manitoba: Fleet Publications, 2000).
Christianity Today:
“Foolish Things” column (2006-2008): “All Monotheisms Are Not Alike,” “Missionary Myths,” “Ancient Parable, Urgent Time,” “We’re Not Finished,” “Why Evangelize the Jews?,” “A Hole in Our Holism,” “Answering the Atheists,” “When Red Is Blue,” “Stumbling After Jesus,” “Don’t Cede the High Ground,” “Living with the Darwin Fish,” “The Scandal of Forgiveness,” “Worth Protecting,” “Sit Down, Sit Down for Jesus?”
Print editorials (selected): “Looking for Moral Capitalism,” “Terror in Orissa,” “Missions Isn’t Safe,” “A Question of Faith,” “The Longest Hatred,” “Clean Air for Ears,” “Never Again?,” “For Whom Would Jesus Vote?,” “Nightmares and Miracles,” “Spiritual Shortcuts,” “Sighs of Relief,” “Prescription for Conflict,” “Fear Not the Disabled,” “Dazed by Disasters,” “The Lessons of Jabez,” “Religious Freedom Isn’t Free,” “Sex Isn’t a Spectator Sport,” “Look at All the Lonely People,” “Faith Perfected,” “One-Size Politics Doesn’t Fit All,” “Abortion Overreach,” “The Slope Really Is Slippery,” “ ‘Safe Sex’ for the Whole Nation.”
Online commentaries, editorials, and reviews (selected): “The Dangers of the Blame Game,” “I believe …,””Bob Dylan: Is He or Isn’t He?” “Islam: Inherently Violent or Peaceful?”“China’s Human Rights, in the Red,” “Election Day Pride,” “Christian Evangelism and Judaism,” “Bill Cosby Was (Mostly) Right,” “Life with Dignity,” “Unholy Wars,” “More Culture of Life, Please,” “Aliens in Our Midst,” “When the Giver of Eternal Life Thirsts,” “Frist’s Folly,” “Beyond the Gates of Splendor,” “A Passion for Souls,” “The New (Evangelical) Mainline,” “Whose Submission?,” “Thinking about Heaven on Earth Day,” “True or Merely Useful? A review of Stephen Prothero’s God Is Not One,” “How to Talk about Hell,” “Author Harold Fickett on Ralph D. Winter: ‘He took ideas seriously … he didn’t take himself seriously,'” “Ralph D. Winter: A Man of Many Paradoxes in the Service of One Goal,” “Taste and See,” “Review: What Your Body Knows about God,” Reimagining Missions,” “My Encounter with Christopher Hitchens.”
BreakPoint.org columnist
“The Spiritual Uses of Unemployment,” “A Modest Proposal: Truth, Grace, and Carrie Prejean,” “What ‘Abortion Reduction’ Really Means,” “A Godless Eden,” “Messin’ with Reality,” “Hopes and Fears,” “A Call for Moral Rearmament,” “The Devil and Pat Robertson,” “Saving Prisoners, and Ourselves,” “The Problem with Self-Esteem,” “What to Do about Iran,” “The Cure for Wanderlust,” “Wishful Thinking,” “Strange Tolerance: Why the Ground Zero Mosque Is a Bad Idea,” “Tragic Radicals: Why the Sexual Left Defends the Indefensible,” “Why God Is Still Necessary,” “Ivory Tower Christians: To Reach the World, There’s Nothing Wrong with a Little Book Learning,” “The Crusade against Christians,” “Double Standard,” “The Economics of Eros,” “The Debt Crisis and Cynicism,” “In Poor Taste,” “A Line in the Sand,” “Tony Hall’s Fast: Dishonest on Two Levels,” “Arab Summer: Why Democracy in the Muslim World Makes Christians Nervous,” “Fishing for Trouble,” “Is Anders Breivik a Christian Terrorist?” “Ten Years Later: Unlearned Lessons from 9/11,” “The Mormon Factor: Why Mitt Romney Makes Some Nervous,” “Crisis of Conscience in ObamaCare,” “Yes, America, There Is a Santa Claus,” “We Are Not Alone,” “Cultural Inequality and the Church,” “A Prayer for Afghanistan,” “Lesbian Studies Fail the Test,” “‘I Wish You’d Never Been Born,’” “Outraged for Christ: What Is Our Response to Lady Gaga and Other Heretics?,” “War of Words: Christians Battle over Translations for Muslims,” “The Lure of Comic-Book Culture,” “The Party’s Over: Math Is Not a Partisan Issue,” “Freedom of Expression under Attack,” “The Gospel According to Billy Crystal,” “A Christian Call to Arms,” “Signs of Grace: Remarks in Honor of S. Morris Guthrie,” “Imminent Danger: Administration Policy on Drone Killings Cries Out for Moral Critique,” “Soul-Searching: Why Congruence between Our Public and Private Selves Is So Rare,” “Marriage according to Genesis,” “Ralph Winter’s Risky Theological Business,” “Radical Islam and Our State of Denial,” “Curing the Bible Prophecy Blues,” “A Disquieting Climate of Faith,” “Aslan vs. Christ,” “Kenya’s Christians Seek Grace under Fire,” “A Modest Proposal: Facebook and Political Rancor,”Not Pretty in Pink: Awareness Campaigns vs. Real Campaigns,” “Lowering the Bar: Why We Need to Face Reality in the Military,” “On the Death of Philip Seymour Hoffman” “Would Jesus Bake a Cake for a ‘Same-Sex’ Wedding? Not Likely, Arguing about Missions,” “Missing Girls, Missing Concern,” “Have Babies, Not Pets?” “Disappearing Act: Presbyterians Embrace Leftist Politics, Shun Reformed Roots,” “Fact or Fiction: Academics Ask, ‘Is Religion Bad for Kids?’,” “Defanging the ISIS Bite,” “After the Revolution: A Look at the America That Might Be,” “Getting Real about Rape,” “Christmas, Then and Now,” “Getting a Handle on God’s Story,” “Calling Things By Their Proper Names,” “Is the President a Christian–and Does It Matter?” “Longing for the Resurrected Christ,” “Lessons Learned in the Midst of Trial,” “Not Quite Random Thoughts,” “The Supreme Court Has Ruled. Now What?” “A Time for Outrage,” “Answering the Arguments for Planned Parenthood,” “Should the U.S. Elect a Muslim as President?” “The Strange Spectacle of Christian Surrender,” “The Top 12 News Stories of 2015,” “Answering the Question, ‘Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?’“”Showboating, Race, and Football,” “Jesus on Trial,” “‘Answering Jihad’ with Truth and Love,” “The Power of Positive Christian Thinking,” “Sport Is Dead, and We Killed It,” “When Jesus Had a Wife,” “A Rough Road Ahead for Religious Liberty, World Missions,” “The $64,000 Question about God,” “Divorce and a Child’s Soul,” “‘Evangelical’ No More,” “What the Universe Says about Human Significance,” “Dreams and Divine Interruptions,” “‘How to Pray’: A Review,” “Doing Theology at the Chicago Auto Show,” “The New Wine of the Kingdom,” “Why I Am a Calvinist . . . or Something like That,” “Reflections on 30 Years of (Mostly) Marital Bliss,” “The Dawkins Delusion,” “The Tears of a Meteorologist,” “A Tale of Two Playboys,” “For Those Walking the Path of Suffering,” “The Truest Story Ever Told,” “A Modest Proposal: Let’s Stick to the Facts, Shall We?” “Hawaii’s False Alarm,” “Practicing What We Pray,” “Telling the Truth in a Post-Truth Culture,” “God’s Bucket List for You,” “The Ten Best Books I’ve Ever Read,” “Human Rights, Nuclear Weapons, and North Korea,” “What to Do about the Worst Bad Men,” “Murphy’s Law: What a Baseball Player’s ‘Controversial’ Statement Means for the Rest of Us,” “A Commitment to Hope,” “Thinking about Those Angry Yard Signs,” “John Allen Chau and His Critics,” “Andrew Sullivan and the True Meaning of Christmas,” “New Year’s Resolutions Are Not Enough,” “The Problem with the ‘Forever Home,’” “Late-term Abortion: A ‘Sad, Tragic Choice’ No More,” “Scandalous: Thoughts on the Clergy Abuse Crisis,” “Between the Covers: An Unapologetic Apologetic for Reading Books,” “Mere Utilitarianism: The Bigger College Scandal,” “Male and Female He Made Them: Men, Women, and God,” “Mary Magdalene and the Resurrection of Jesus,” “Why Are So Many Christians Being Persecuted?” “Blood Money: Hollywood and Georgia Clash Over Abortion,” “China’s Christians Navigate Heavy Persecution,” “Chesterton, Witches, and How to Really Thrive,” “Dream Big: The Story of a Not-Quite-Famous Author,” “How to Take Sex Back from the Pagans,” “Responding to the American Birth Dearth with Faith,” “The Real War on Women,” “Flirting with Apostasy,” “Sharing Jesus with Muslims: Challenges and Opportunities in a Post-9/11 World,” “Eco-Anxiety and the New Children’s Crusade,” “Personal Foul: The NBA and True Justice,” “What We Can Learn from Corrie ten Boom’s Faithful Witness,” “Thanksgiving for Everyday Miracles,” “Getting to Know the Grandest Story of Them All,” “Let the Children Come to Jesus–or Else,” “The Stones Cry Out: The Top Biblical Archaeology Finds of the Year,” “The Silver Mission Field,” “Saint Kobe and Our Sin,” “Cheating: The Real American Pastime,” “A Dialogue: What Does It Mean to Be Pro-life?” “Coronavirus: Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste,” “What to Read During the Pandemic,” “No Revival, No America,” “After the Great Interruption: The Church in the Wake of the Coronavirus,” “Corporate Worship Is Essential … to the Church,” “Strange Bedfellows: Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood,” “When the Sexual Revolution Hijacked the Women’s Movement,” “The Era of Witch Hunts Is Alive and Well,” “Bad Shepherds,” “The Bible Is a Story,” “Bearing with One Another in the Church,” “Abortion and Slavery,” “The Plague We All Ignore,” “Finding Meaning in the COVID-19 Maelstrom,” “When ‘No’ Is the Kindest Thing You Can Say,” “After the Election, What Can Bring Us Together?” “What Has Changed (and What Hasn’t) for Christians in 2020,” “Gambling: A Plague We Can Do Without,” “A Frank Sinatra Christmas,” “Bible Reading in 2021: Putting the Resolve Back into Our Resolutions,” “When Christians Face Depression,” “Does the Super Bowl Really Matter?” “China: Business as Usual No More,” “Time for a Do Over in the Post-COVID World,” “Ascending Mars Hill.”
BreakPoint scripts with John Stonestreet and Eric Metaxas
“Worldview and Weight,” “Scientists, Atheism, and God,” “Christian Wisdom in Silicon Valley,” “China’s Pastors Take Their Stand,” “Christian Hoarding?” “Beware of Apatheism!,” “InterVarsity Goes to Court . . . Again,” “Unleashing the Kingdom,” “Go Deeper, Grab a Book,” “Wilberforce and the ‘Necessary Evil,'” Tim Tebow’s Field of Dreams,” “CSB Worldview Study Bible,” “Transgender Fury,” “‘Peter Pan Syndrome’ Revisited,” Save the Persecuted Christians,” “Generation Z, Justice, and the Gospel,” “The Pandemic of Loneliness,” “Who Needs God When You’ve Got Government?” “What We Lose When We Lose the Boy Scouts,” “Good News about Prayer,” “Peace for Korea?” “Jesus Comes to Opelika,” “A Summit Story,” “Making Sense of Media,” “When Is It Right to Die?” “The Church’s infatuation with Youth,” “When Harry Became Sally,” “A New Gerber Baby,” “Liar, Lunatic, Legend, or Lord?” “Rachael Denhollander and the Gospel of Costly Grace,” “Take a Stand for Marriage,” “The Book of Acts Gets a CT Scan,” “Scientists and Christianity,” “The Very Human Tragedy of Persecution,” “Stories that Encourage, Inspire, & Restore,” “Resolve to Pray for Life in 2018,” “What—and Why—to Read This Year,” “What’s in a (Transgender) Pronoun?” “Rethinking ‘Relations,'” “Depression and God’s Grace,” “Fight Inequality, Promote Matrimony,” “A Museum Fit for the Bible,” “Why Johnny Can’t Read … the Bible,” “Student Leadership University Treating Peter Pan Syndrome,” “Anger Mismanagement,” “Where is Your Bible?,” “Reviving the Churches of Rural America,” “Bring Your Bible (Back) to School,” “Mully the Magnificent,” “They Give Us Hope,” “The Invisible Christians of North Korea,” “A Biblical Case against Racism,” “The Light of William Wilberforce,” “Joni Eareckson Tada,” “Good News about Sharing the Good News,” “The African Famine,” “’Hopecasting’ in the Midst of Crisis,” Waving the Rainbow Flag on the Field of Play, A Faith Grounded in History, Depressed Teens, Saved by an Atheist, Disappearing Christians, “Fake” News, “Real” News, and Good News, Preach Scripture, Fill the Pews, Opening Closed Minds The Chick-fil-A Way, A Muslim Baby Boom, The Assisted Suicide Freight Train Hits the Brakes, Deadly Utilitarianism, Hope for the Homeless, Second Thoughts on Assisted Suicide, Blessed Are the Neighborly, Readers Are Leaders, Religious Freedom and SOGI Laws, Nigeria’s Forgotten Christians, When a Clump Is not a Clump.
Christian Headlines
“Fighting Porn: The Newest Battlefront on the Oldest Profession,” “No Truces on Abortion,” “Discomfort with Dad Signifies a Deeper Problem,” “For the Greater Good?” “Islamophobia: We Have More to Fear than Fear Itself,” “Spaceship China: The Unintended Impact of One-Child Policy,” “At Second Blush: Why Marriage Is Far from Obsolete,” “Unyielding Belief: Science is Good, to a Point,” “The Once and Future Bible: Why We Still Need the KJV,” “Praying Grace Finds Even Me: Contemplating bin Laden’s Death,” “The Death of Dr. Death: Reminders of How We Should Live,” “The Barbarians Inside the Gates,” “Casey Anthony and the Cry for Justice,” “Persecution Complex: Why Opinion Polls Are Overrated,” “Faith That Works in American Politics,” “Inconvenient Truths about Homosexuality,” “‘Bad Things’: Anti-Semitism Spreads in the Occupy Movement,” “The Controversial Tim Tebow,” “Rewriting the Abortion Narrative,” “Obama: God Loves You and Has a Wonderful Tax Plan for Your Life,” “America’s Got ‘Talent,’ But What’s Missing?” “Rick Santorum’s Devil of a Speech,” “First Amendment No Longer Obama’s First Priority,” “Titanic Concerns: What Our Fascination with a Sinking Ship Tells Us,” “The College Bubble: Why Tuition Costs Are Exploding–and What We Should Do About It,” “Syria: What May Be Ahead for Christians,” “A Day of Reckoning for the American Empire — and for Its Christians,” “Bullying, Backpacks and the Bible,” “Irresistible Forces, Immovable Objects and Religious Liberty,” “Muslim Rage, Christian Persecution and God’s Power,” “I’m Not as Special as I Used to Think,” “A Radically Christian Way to Celebrate Christmas,” “Religious War: North Africa’s Christians Multiply Amid Persecution,” “Roe at 40: ‘Pro-Choice’ Movement Starting to Show Its Age,” “After Chavez: Evangelicals in Venezuela Face a Fork in the Road,” “Prophecy 101: How to Interpret the Bible’s Predictions,” “The Childfree Life: A Christian and Personal Response,” “From Bad to Worse: Syria’s Christian Dilemma,” “Christian, It’s Time to Get Your Hopes Up,” “A Time of Sacred Waiting,” “Why Phil Robertson Was Mostly Right,” “The Pivotal Role of Marriage in Income Ineqaulity,” “Without Apology: Ukraine Seeks a Brighter Future of Freedom,” “Why I’m Not Catholic,” “My Imaginary Commencement Speech: Five Graduation Myths to Avoid,” “Targeted: The Disappearing Christians of Iraq,” “What Would the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life Do to Our Faith?”
Other articles
“Capital Campaign Enters Homestretch with ‘Full’ Momentum,” “A Journey from the CVC to San Francisco,” “Center for Vocation and Career Coaches Help Guide Students along the Career Path,” “From Reading to Living,” “Christ at the Core Prompts Grateful Hearts,” “The New Armerding Center for Music and the Arts,” “Just Right: Armerding Center is Music to Their Ears,” “Extending Liberal Arts Excellence Into the Work World,” “A Family Gives Across Three Generations,” “Loyal Wheaties: Little Things Mean a Lot,” “Remarkable: A Look Back at the First-Year Seminar,” “Remarkable: Erica Breitbarth ’09: A Grammy Finalist,” “When Trouble Comes for You,” “From the Heart, For the Kingdom” feature package, Wheaton magazine (Winter 2017), “Martyrs in the Time of the Charity Selfie,” “Stemming the Embryonic Tide,” “America becoming fertile mission field for Buddhism,” “Doors into Islam,” “Counteroffensive on RU-486,” “Double Jeopardy,” Willard’s Knowing Christ Today , “The Changing Face of Apologetics,” “Q&A: Tony Dungy,” “Islam’s Uncertain Future,” “Waging Peace on Islam,” “What Married Women Want,” “Q&A: James Dobson,” “Wycliffe in Overdrive,” “Q&A: Newt Gingrich,” Q&A with Dinesh D’Souza (Part 1),” “Q&A with Dinesh D’Souza (Part 2),” “Q&A: Hugh Hewitt,” Q&A: Gary Bauer on the Miers Nomination,” “Author Insight: Os Guinness on Evil (Part 1),” “Author Insight: Os Guinness on Evil (Part 2),” “Q&A: David Limbaugh on Faith and Politics (Part 1),” “Q&A: David Limbaugh on Faith and Politics (Part 2),” “Dick Staub on the Star Wars Myth,” “The Evangelical Scandal,” “Is Islam a Religion of Peace?,” “Is Christianity a Religion of Peace?,” “Gatecrashing for Jesus,” “The Other Side of Church Growth,” “Q & A: Rich Cizik,” “Crunchy Time,” “A False Cry of Peace,” “A Revival of Prayer,” “Amazing Newton,” “Beyond the Gates of Splendor,” “The Faith of Our Founders,” “Grace as a License for Sin,” “When the Mountains Don’t Move,” “Fact and Faith,” “Relentless Pursuit,” “Defining Business Success,” “Colson Blasts ‘Deep Throat,'” “Entertaining Truth,” “Singable Doctrine,” “Sen. Rick Santorum: I Draw No Line Between My Faith and My Decisions,” “What’s Next: Missions,” “Hope Amid the Ruins,” “North Korea Human Rights Act a ‘Miracle,'” “Evangelicals in a Secular Society,” “RU-486: After two die, Danco Labs warns doctors about dangers,” “The World’s Prayer Guide,” “Unbelief Rejects Him,” “The Blessing of Gratitude,” “Islamic Extremism in Pakistan,” “Fact and Faith,” “Interview: Douglas Groothuis on Good Apologetics,” “Why Thanksgiving Matters,” “The Light of Christmas,” “4 Things to Keep in Mind When Reading the Bible,” “Review: Kingdom Come!” “Evangelicals in a Secular Society,” “‘No Safe Spaces’ Highlight’s Today’s Threats to Free Speech,” “The Incomparable Impact of Jesus,” “Relationship and Meaning,” “Do the Super Bowl and the Olympics Really Matter?” “This Is the Day,” “A Practical Toolkit to Keep You Cool,” “Review of Homer Rodeheaver and the Rise of the Gospel Music Industry,” “David, Goliath, and Us,” “Bible Reading: Profitable and Doable,” “Advice to an Aspiring Author,” “Terrifying Beauty,” “Sam Harris and the End of Atheism,” “Life, the Multiverse, and Everything,” “An Email to Dennis Prager,” “Gatecrashing for Jesus,” “Clustering, Extremism, and the Church of God,” “Why Thanksgiving Matters,” “Drew Barrymore and the Unlikely Pursuit of Sexual Purity,” “With Peaceful Wings Unfurled,” “Thor Faces Mortality,” “The Hope of Heaven,” “Fifty Years After Roe, the Job Isn’t Done,” “Holy Ground: An Interview with Chris Castaldo,” “Nine Christian Books on Suffering,” “Figuring Out God’s Story,” “A Simple Way to Share the Good News,” “Signs of the Times,” “Tears of Grief and Joy,” “Advice to Publicists,” “Stars Brightly Shining,” “A Few Thoughts on Donald Trump’s Third Indictment,” “Dogs, Babies, and Other Thoughts,” “The Upside Down Kingdom: Why We Need This Book,” “The Incomparable Impact of Jesus,” “Stepping Forward and Saying ‘Yes,’” “Friendship, Loneliness, and Belonging,” “Three Threats to Our Earthly Treasures,” “The Rhythms of the World,” “Gratitude for Everyday Miracles,” “Suffering: When ‘What If?’ Becomes ‘Why Me?‘” “The Virgin Birth of God,” “Born in Bethlehem,” “Simeon and Anna,” “Ten Biblical Thoughts on Our New Year’s Resolutions,” “A New You for the New Year,” “Atheism, Miracles, and Richard Dawkins,” “When Leaders Lead, and When They Don’t,” “The Tears of a Meteorologist,” “I Believe in Heaven,” “The Pope, ’60 Minutes,’ and Looking for Hope in All the Wrong Places,” “My Imaginary Commencement Speech: Five Graduation Myths to Avoid,” “What to Do about the Worst Bad Men,” “Gina’s Journey,” “Dream Big: The Story of a Not-Quite-Famous Author,” “My Weakness, Christ’s Power,” “Christian, It’s Time to Get Your Hopes Up,” “A Tale of Two Playboys: The Divergent Paths of Hugh Hefner and Augustine of Hippo,” “Re-enchantment in a Mysterious World,” “Trump’s Victory and Needed Humility,” “Jesus and the Necessity of Gratitude,” “The Comforting, and Confronting, Reality of Christmas,” “The Book of Joshua and the Late Bronze Age Collapse,” “Things I’m Learning in the New Year.”
The Charlotte Lozier Institute
“Suppressing the Science: Politicians are doing the abortion industry’s dirty work,” “Since Dobbs, Pro-Life Laws Have Already Saved 10,000 Unborn Lives and Counting.”
Bible Studies
For personal use only. To study with your group, please go to ChristianBibleStudies.com.
Something Greater Than Healing
What Beth Moore Can Teach Us about Bible Study
The Myth of the Perfect Parent
The Problem with the Prosperity Gospel
The following articles have been honored in Evangelical Press Association’s Higher Goals in Christian Journalism competitions:
- “The New (Evangelical) Mainline” (Christianity Today online, May 2009).
- “Missions Isn’t Safe” (Christianity Today, December 2007).
- “Missions: Impossible?” (Moody, November/December 1999).
- “Learning to Care” (Moody, October 1994).