Christianity Today Bible studies are available for download at This one, “Restoring Our Vision of God,” is based on an article by columnist Carolyn Arends.
Christianity Today has graciously allowed me to post the studies I have written to this site, usually one or two a month. If you would like to use them for anything other than your own spiritual growth, I ask you to download them at the CT Bible study site mentioned above.
Evangelicals are good at explaining how our sin separates us from a holy God. “I was raised to understand that sin’s gravest consequence is the way it forces God to perceive me: God is holy, I’m not, and there’s no way he can even look at me until I have the covering of Christ’s blood,” Carolyn Arends writes in her column, “Our Divine Distortion.” Arends continues: “In my teens, I clipped a poem out of a youth magazine in which the poet asks—and answers—a pressing question: ‘How can a righteous God look at me, a sinner, and see a precious child? Simple: The Son gets in his eyes.’” This is good theology, but incomplete. We need to also get a good dose of biblical anthropology so that we may grasp how sin warps our perceptions, not just of ourselves, but of God himself.
Here is a link to the study for your personal, individual use. Your feedback is always welcome.
HT: Mary DeMuth for allowing me to use this link.